What You Should Do When Your Windscreen Gets Smashed or Cracked

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A car's front windscreen offers a vital service of sheltering you and your passengers from a wide range of elements while driving. The vehicle depends on the windscreen to support the roof in the case of a rollover and for the airbags to work. When the windscreen gets damaged, your vehicle won't have the best structural integrity when you need it the most. So, if your windscreen has cracked or it's completely smashed, it's vital to get immediate windscreen repair or replacement.

It's unsafe to drive when the windscreen is damaged. The smashed glass and large cracks tend to prevent a clear view. Glass fragments may also enter the car and cause injuries to you or any other car users, leading to a serious accident. If the windscreen gets totally smashed, be sure to remain calm, then pull off the road slowly so you can assess the damage. You will have to decide if it's safe to drive to the closest car windscreen repair/replacement workshop or if you should get the car towed.

Cracked and chipped windscreens: Dos and Don'ts


  1. Start by measuring the crack length; if it's less than ten centimetres, then it can likely be repaired.
  2. Put a clear tape over the cracks to keep moisture, dirt and dust away. These elements can minimise the chances of repairing the chip or crack.
  3. If the crack is in the line of sight, be sure to seek repairs immediately.


  1. Avoid using rough or rocky roads.
  2. Do not try to slam the door.
  3. Avoid parking in direct sunlight; the heat can weaken the glass, causing the damage to get worse.
  4. Don't run the air conditioning or defroster if the windscreen has chips or cracks since this will put extra pressure on your glass.
  5. Never ignore a large crack or chip, because it can cause a fatal accident.
  6. Do not pressure-wash your car.
  7. Avoid fixing major windscreen damage by yourself. Just hire an expert and they will efficiently and safely repair or replace it.

What if the windscreen gets fully smashed?

If a windscreen gets smashed (perhaps by a rock that was kicked up by another car), expect it to be very loud. This can startle you as well as the passengers, but do not panic!  It's vital to keep calm, then slow down and pull over. Since the screen is completely smashed, you will need to prioritise the replacement. If the experts can't come to you, consider getting tow services to the closest repairer.

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About Me

Getting Your Car Windows Fixed: A Guide Hello! My name is Tom and this is my new blog. Last month, I was driving down to my parent's beach house on the coast near Sydney when all of a sudden a massive hailstorm started. The weather hadn't been looking too good but I didn't expect what happened next. The balls of hail which fell from the sky were big enough to smash and crack the front and back windows on my car. Thankfully, I was able to get in touch with a professional mobile glass repair company. They sent someone out right away who replaced the damaged glass. I learnt lots of cool things from the contractor. I hope you like my blog.

